Halfmoon - Which bolster is right for you?

which bolster is right for you?

Emily Sproule | May 06, 2013 | minute read

b, halfmoon has been making bolsters for decades – it’s what we know and what we’re known for.

Tried and true within the yoga community

b, halfmoon bolsters are the industry standard – uncompromised quality and durability. All of our bolsters are individually hand made to ensure their ideal weight and firmness. The bolster covers are hand sewn with double seams, made from natural fibers and are easily removable and washable, giving your bolster a long life span.

b, halfmoon bolsters have stood the test of time

They deliver on the performance and durability that an active practice and busy studio demands, keep their snazzy look for many years and have a comfortable support to them that just won’t quit. There are a hundred and one ways to use a bolster and just as many benefits! It’s an essential wellness prop that can increase your flexibility, correct your posture, enhance your health and change your life. That is a tall order indeed!

Start simply by lying over a bolster for 10 minutes a day

Not only is this a great way to start the day, you will reap the benefits of a strong flexible spine and an open heart. To help you choose the bolster that suits your needs, we’ve put together this handy dandy comparison chart that outlines the uses, features and benefits and the final word on each.

Which bolster is for me?

Here is a simple summary of the features of our bolster line.

Rectangular Bolster 24” x 10” x 5”

A restorative favourite well loved for it’s stability and gentle support. For longer, taller bodies go for the 30”. For heavy users choose the Pro Bolster for an easy to clean and water resistant option.

Cylindrical Bolster 24” x 8”

A traditional favourite that advances your practice by facilitating a deeper opening. For longer, taller bodies go for the 30”. For heavy users choose the Pro Bolster for an easy to clean and water resistant option.

Prana Bolster 26” x 7” x 3”

Encourages deeper breathing and facilitates expansion of the lungs during asana and pranayama practice. Offers firm support for your head and it’s longer length offers support for your entire spine.

Mini Cylindrical Bolster 16” x 5.5”

A pint-sized bolster that contours to the shape of your body and provides a small firm support for the neck, knees and lumbar.

Prana Half Bolster 6” x 15” x 3”

A compact and portable bolster that offers a very gentle chest opener and offers firm support for your knees, or while in “legs up the wall” position.

The Bridge Cushion 18” x 8” x 6″

Doubles as a meditation cushion for sitting or kneeling, and a bolster for lengthening the spine and opening the chest.

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